War Of Idols | Guerra de Idolos

War Of IdolsGuerra de Idolos
This series focuses on the growing fortunes of the Solar family and their famous son, and explores the drama of the music world from all angles.

Vince Miranda
Alex Brizuela
Alex Garza

Sheryl Rubio

José María Torre

Alberto Guerra

Ximena Ayala
Edison Ruiz

Fernando Carrera

Daniel Elbittar

Marco Antonio Treviño

Claudio Lafarga

Pedro Capo
Fabián Pazzo

Fabiola Campomanes
Luis Figueroa

María León

Esteban Soberanes

Aarón Balderi

Alejandro Speitzer
Viviana Serna

Pamela Almanza

Alejandro de la Madrid

Sofía Lama

Carmen Beato

Juan Pablo Medina
Erika de la Rosa